Sunday, September 07, 2008

Reuben loves the City

It was our two year anniversary on Wednesday the 27th! I'd like to say that that day we had a good time, but both of us were working. Daniel on a 24hr shift and me on my 8th 12hr night shift in a row. (I had signed up for some extra shifts...and then my skeleton schedule had gotten switched around, and I never got called off.....sooooo.....that was an experience. The longest I've ever done was 4 shifts in a row. It wasn't horrible to be honest, but I can't say I would repeat it either).
The Team

But back to the topic, Thursday morning all three of us hopped in the car and headed East to the City of Rocks in Idaho for a long weekend of rock climbing and spending time together. I love the City...and it turns out Reuben does too. It was so much fun to watch him free-range. He was a good boy too! He hung out in the shade while we climbed quite well and even carried his own water in his doggy backpack for the longer hikes (*not very long). Great hot weather lasted until Sunday when the sky turned from clear to dark much too quickly. Those dark clouds turned into a pouring, thundering storm that turned us back West headed for home a day early. We were having such a good relaxing time that I was sad to go, but as usual , we have added to our ticklist for the next trip! Daniel and I had a great anniversary weekend, and even got to soak with a bunch of our friends in the local hotsprings each night who had also made the trip East. Great job Shannon on your first multiple lead climbs!

Reuben at play

Reuben at Rest

Reuben and I practicing looking coy

Not a puppy anymore!
Bye City, see you soon!

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